We provide customized housekeeping services at your facility. These include tailor-made daily, weekly,
fortnightly and monthly jobs, which are performed by our experienced workmen under the supervision of our team of
We will go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure your facility is clean and inviting and that you receive
the best possible services. We also undertake general maintenance services like white wash/distemper, painting,
polishing of the office furniture, carpentry jobs, carpet shampoo, and chair shampoo, floor polishing and similar
other services as per requirement. All necessary Logs are maintained daily. Weekly action plans are developed in
advance for smooth operations. On-site managers conduct daily inspections. A stringent safety checklist is
reviewing regularly. All of which assures you a consistent level of excellence. We also provide sweepers for
hygiene & sanitation of the unit with and without cleaning materials.
Cleaning Schedule
A. Daily Services
- Proper and effective cleaning of the office premises including sweeping and swabbing with water and approved detergent on all the floors, toilets, lounges, common area, entire open space on ground floor, approaches to the office building before opening of office and only swabbing after lunch.
- Dusting of tables, chairs, filling cabinets, Almeria, partitions walls, doors, windows and telephone instruments etc.
- Cleaning of the shop floors on regular intervals (ranges from every hour to once in 8 hours)
- Brushing of carpets and mats etc.
- Providing liquid soap, naphthalene balls/ cakes in toilets as per requirements.
- Cleaning of the garden on regular basis using leaf collector. (the frequency varies from once every 4 hour to once a day)
- Cleaning of drive – ways. (The frequency is again variable from once in 4 hours to 24 hours)
- Moping of all office floors with diluted disinfectant cleaner.
- Dusting of all fixtures and furniture’s with damp and dry dusters (table tops-all steel and wooden fixtures).
- Dusting of all plant with damp and duster.
- Cleaning of potted plants.
- Dusting of switches /switch plates/conduits wires.
- Dusting of all doorframes and glasses with wet and dry dusters.
- Cleaning of astray and waste paper baskets.
- Cleaning of pictures frames and paintings.
- Cleaning of AC dusting and feather duster.
- Brushing of all upholstered furniture.
- Depletion of waste paper/refuse from dustbins/buckets and others places to the nearest garbage point in the office premises.
B. Weekly Services: Once in a week (preferably on a holiday)
- Proper and effective cleaning of the office premises including sweeping and swabbing with water and approved detergent on all the floors, toilets, lounges, common area, entire open space on ground floor, approaches to the office building including cleaning of glasses of doors and windows, Wooden doors and name plates etc.
- Washing and scrubbing of floors of office and shop floor with detergent.
- Cleaning of the corrugated roofs of the shop floor.
- Cleaning of the office roof.
- Cleaning of miscellaneous items as custom – scheduled
- Washing of carpets.
- Washing of drive – ways.